

田小利 教授,博士生导师






1999-2004:美国克里福兰临床中心 (Cleveland Clinic Foundation) 博士后

1995-1999:德国柏林自由大学 (Berlin Free University) 博士学位




2016至今 bwin必赢唯一中国官方网站,教授

2006-2016 北京大学分子医学研究所人类群体遗传室,教授

2004-2006: 美国克里福兰临床中心 (Cleveland Clinic Foundation), Staff Research Associate

1999-2004:美国克里福兰临床中心 (Cleveland Clinic Foundation) 博士后

1994-1999:德国柏林 Hypertension Research, Max-Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine, 访问学者











4、2017.1-2022.12: 国家自然基金重点项目个体衰老相关基因调节血管衰老的分子机制81630034


6、2012.1-2016.12: 课题负责人,国家自然基金重点项目血管损伤早期应答和启动修复保护的信号转导机制以及通过AGGF1干预的可能性研究(81130003





Ancestry-dependent genetic association with coronary artery diseases (100,000$), AstraZeneca, Sweden 2011-2014

Pathway-enriched genetic variants and atherosclerosis (81,000$), Bayer, Germany 2014-2015

Identification of Novel Drug Targets for Liver Cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis (100,000$), Amgen, U.S.A. 2013-2015



1、国际杂志:Editorial boardBioEssays (IF=5.4)


Supervising Editor: Aging cell (IF=5.9)


2、国内编委:中国循环杂志; 中国分子心脏病学杂志;医学参考-心血管频道;

医学参考-心律学频道; 中华自然医学杂志编委


1.国外:Circulation, Genome Research, Hypertension, Journal of Molecular Medicine, Aging Cell, Human Molecular Genetics, Journal of molecular medicine; Physiological genomics; Frontiers in Biology等.












亚太心律学会基础研究组委委员 (Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Basic Research subcommittee member)






14th Asian Aging Research Association Forum, Nov 7-9, Beijing, 2014. (主席,组织者)

2Cold Spring Harbor Conference Asia, Sept. 9-13, Suzhou, 2013.

3Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2012 Scientific Sessions, July 23-26, 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana.



2、Current Concept on Aging Beijing 2013(主席,报告)







4、2017.1-2022.12: 国家自然基金重点项目个体衰老相关基因调节血管衰老的分子机制81630034


6、2012.1-2016.12: 课题负责人,国家自然基金重点项目血管损伤早期应答和启动修复保护的信号转导机制以及通过AGGF1干预的可能性研究(81130003


1“Exome-seq identifies signaling pathways for human longevity”.Duke University, U.S.A. Feb. 26-28, 2015

2“Genetic determinants of aging and vascular aging”, Cold Spring Harbor Conference Asia, Sept. 9-13, Suzhou, 2013.

3“Molecular Basis of Vascular Aging”, Sino-German symposium on melecular systems approaches to aging, May 20-24, Shanghai, China, 2013

4“Genetics of therasic arotic anuerysm and dissection”, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2012 Scientific Seesions, July 23-26, 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana.

5“Genetics, enviroments, and longevity”. Duke University, July 18. 17, 2011

61“AF Mechanisms Learned From Bench”2“Basic Mechanisms for Cardiac Arrhythmias”. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session In Conjunction with 6th Asia-Pacific Atrial Fibrillation Symposium Oct. 28-30, 2010 ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea):

7“Genome-wide association study: current status and future in translational medicine in cardiovascular diseases”. International Efforts in Translational Medicine Sept. 17-19, 2010, Sydney, Australia

8“Foxo family and human longevity”, Duke University, Feb. 17, 2009

9“Genetics of cardiac arrhythmia”, Pfizer, Boston, March 20, 2008

10 “Chromosome abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases”, March 12, 2005, Invitrogen

11“Abnormal Calcium Handling Involved in Arrhythmogenesis in Transgenic Mouse with Selective Cardiac Expression of Long QT3 Mutation (N1325S)”. North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE), 24th Annual Scientific Session, San Francisco, California, USA, May 19-22, 2004.

12“Fast fluorescence imaging reveals mechanism of spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias in transgenic mice with long QT syndrome type 3 (LQT3) mutation”. North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE), 24th Annual Scientific Session, Washington DC, USA, May 14-17, 2003:

13American Heart Association Scientific Session, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Nov. 17-20, 2002: “Long QT3 Mutation, N1325S, Causes Electrophysiological Remodeling in Transgenic Mouse Model” in the 75th Anniversary Featured Research Session: Novel Insight into Mechanisms of Sudden Death.

14American Heart Association Scientific Session, Anaheim, California, USA. Nov. 10-14, 2001: “Transgenic model for Long QT and Sudden Cardiac Death” in Insight into Arrhythmogenesis From Novel Animal and Genetic Models.

15American Heart Association Scientific Session, Anaheim, California, USA. Nov. 10-14, 2001: “Sudden Cardiac Death in long QT transgenic mice” in Late Breaking News Session.


1、国内发明专利THSD7A基因序列及表达改变检测及其在冠心病预测中的 应用(ZL201510029413.7),授权:2015年01月21日

2、国内发明专利SCML4基因序列及表达改变检测及其在冠心病预测中的 应用(ZL201510029012.1),授权:2015年01月21日

3、国内发明专利蛋白质AGGF1及其FHA多肽在制备抗炎药物中的应用(201310157027.7 ), 授权:2013年04月28日

4、用定位克隆技术发现了一个新的调节血管新生的基因VG5Q (现命名为AGGF1),为解释血管新生及相关疾病的发生机制及基因治疗提供了重要基础 (Nature, 2004)。OMIM:608464。此研究申报美国专利一项 (PCT/US2004/027324)

5、发现先天血管畸形(Klippel-Trenaunay综合症, KTS)的致病基因VG5Q,提出了血管新生增加是KTS发病的机制之一。 OMIM:149000和602695。获2004年克里夫兰临床中心分子心脏学室最佳论文艾文-培基奖(The Irvine H. Page Award for best Publication, 2003-2004, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation,  注:Page是已故世界著名高血压专家,克里夫兰临床中心的奠基人)。

6、建立长QT3及猝死的转基因动物模型,发现了长QT3心率失常及猝死的遗传机制: 钠通道突变-迟钠流增加-电生理重塑(钙滞留增加)-EAD-REENTRY。2000年获克里夫兰临床中心分子心脏学室伯纳玎 海莉奖 (The Bernadine Healy Award,注:Healy是世界著名心脏专家,红十字协会主席);2000年美国心脏学会年会优秀摘要奖 (AHA Scientific Session Abstract Award)。 (Cardiovascular Research 2003)




1Duan J, Li J, Chen GL, Ge Y, Liu J, Xie K, Peng X, Zhou W, Zhong J, Zhang Y, Xu J, Xue C, Liang B, Zhu L, Liu W, Zhang C, Tian XL, Wang J, Clapham DE, Zeng B, Li Z, Zhang J. Cryo-EM structure of TRPC5 at 2.8-Å resolution reveals unique and conserved structural elements essential for channel function. Sci Adv. 2019 Jul 24;5(7): eaaw7935. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw7935. eCollection 2019 Jul. PMID: 31355338.

2Zhang WH, Liu WZ, He Y, You WJ, Zhang JY, Xu H, Tian XL, Li BM, Mei L, Holmes A, Pan BX. Chronic Stress Causes Projection-Specific Adaptation of Amygdala Neurons via Small-Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Channel Downregulation. Biol Psychiatry. 2019 May 15;85(10):812-828. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2018.12.010. Epub 2018 Dec 20. PMID: 30737013

3Zhang JY, Liu TH, He Y, Pan HQ, Zhang WH, Yin XP, Tian XL, Li BM, Wang XD, Holmes A, Yuan TF, Pan BX. Chronic Stress Remodels Synapses in an Amygdala Circuit-Specific Manner. Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Feb 1;85(3):189-201. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2018.06.019. Epub 2018 Jul 5. PMID: 30060908

4Abdul Haseeb Khan, Zhiwen Zou, Yang Xiang, Shenghan Chen, Xiao-Li Tian*. Conserved signaling pathways genetically associated with longevity across the species. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease 2018,

5Han T, Guo M, Gan M, Yu B, Tian XL and Wang JB. TRIM59 regulates autophagy through modulating both the transcription and the ubiquitination of BECN1. Autophagy. 2018:1-14.

6Lyu G, Guan Y, Zhang C, Zong L, Sun L, Huang X, Huang L, Zhang L, Tian XL, Zhou Z, Tao W. TGF-β signaling alters H4K20me3 status via miR-29 and contributes to cellular senescence and cardiac aging. Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 2;9(1):2560. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04994-z.

7Zhao X, Liu X, Zhang A, Chen H, Huo Q, Li W, Ye R, Chen Z, Liang L, Liu QA, Shen J, Jin X, Li W, Nygaard M, Liu X, Hou Y, Ni T, Bolund L, Gottschalk W, Tao W, Gu J, Tian XL, Yang H, Wang J, Xu X, Lutz MW, Min J, Zeng Y and Nie C. The correlation of copy number variations with longevity in a genome-wide association study of Han Chinese. Aging (Albany NY). 2018.

8Zeng J, Nie C, Min J, Chen H, Liu X, Ye R, Chen Z, Bai C, Xie Y, Yin Z, Lv Y, Lu J, Li J, Ni T, Bolund L, Land KC, Yashin A, O’Rand A, Sun L, Yang Z, Tao W, Gurinovich A, Franceschi C, Xie J, Gu J, Hou Y, Liu X, Xu X, Robine JM, Deelen J, Sebastiani P, Slagboom E, Perls T, Hauser E, Gottschalk W, Tan Q, Christensen K, Shi X, Lutz M, Tian XL*, Yang H and Vaupel J. Sex Differences in Genetic Associations With Longevity. JAMA Network Open. 2018;1 (accepted).

9Song C, Yan H, Wang HM, Zhang Y, Cao H, Wan Y, Kong L, Chen S, Xu H, Pan BX, Zhang J, Fan GH, Xin HB, Liang Z, Jia W, Tian XL*. AQR is a novel type 2 diabetes-associated gene that regulates signaling pathways critical for glucose metabolism. J Genet Genomics. 2018 Feb 14. pii: S1673-8527(18)30021-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2017.11.007 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29502958

10Li Y, Wang DW, Chen Y, Chen C, Guo J, Zhang S, Sun Z, Ding H, Yao Y, Zhou L, Xu K, Song C, Yang F, Zhao B, Yan H, Wang WJ, Wu C, Lu X, Yang X, Dong J, Zheng G, Tian S, Cui Y, Jin L, Liu G, Cui H, Wang S, Jiang F, Wang C, Erdmann J, Zeng L, Huang S, Zhong J, Ma Y, Chen W, Sun J, Lei W, Chen S, Rao S, Gu D, Schunkert H and Tian XL*. Genome-Wide Association and Functional Studies Identify SCML4 and THSD7A as Novel Susceptibility Genes for Coronary Artery Disease. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2018. Feb 22. pii: ATVBAHA.117.310594. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.117.310594. [Epub ahead of print]

11Chen M, Lyu G, Han M, Nie H, Shen T, Chen W, Niu Y, Song Y, Li X, Li H, Chen X, Wang Z, Xia Z, Li W, Tian XL, Ding C, Gu J, Zheng Y, Liu X, Hu J, Wei G, Tao W and Ni T. 3' UTR lengthening as a novel mechanism in regulating cellular senescence. Genome Res. 2018. Feb 12. doi: 10.1101/gr.224451.117. [Epub ahead of print]

12Liu ZZ, Wang ZL, Choi TI, Huang WT, Wang HT, Han YY, Zhu LY, Kim HT, Choi JH, Lee JS, Kim HG, Zhao J, Chen Y, Lu Z, Tian XL, Pan BX, Li BM, Kim CH and Xu H. Chd7 Is Critical for Early T-Cell Development and Thymus Organogenesis in Zebrafish. Am J Pathol. 2018. Jan 31. pii: S0002-9440(17)30669-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2017.12.005. [Epub ahead of print]

13Zhao Y, Yu Y, Shi M, Yang X, Li X, Jiang F, Chen Y and Tian XL*. Association study to evaluate TFPI gene in CAD in Han Chinese. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2017;17:188.

14Zhao B, Wang S, Chen J, Ji Y, Wang J, Tian XL and Zhi G. Echocardiographic characterization of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Chinese patients with myosin-binding protein C3 mutations. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 2017;13:995-1002.

15Song C, Zhang WH, Wang XH, Zhang JY, Tian XL, Yin XP and Pan BX. Acute stress enhances the glutamatergic transmission onto basoamygdala neurons embedded in distinct microcircuits. Molecular brain. 2017;10:3.

16Zhang T, Yao Y, Wang J, Li Y, He P, Pasupuleti V, Hu Z, Jia X, Song Q, Tian XL, Hu C, Chen Q and Wang QK. Haploinsufficiency of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome gene Aggf1 inhibits developmental and pathological angiogenesis by inactivating PI3K and AKT and disrupts vascular integrity by activating VE-cadherin. Human molecular genetics. 2016;25:5094-5110.

17Zeng Y*, Nie C, Min J, Liu X, Li M, Chen H, Xu H, Wang M, Ni T, Li Y, Yan H, Zhang JP, Song C, Chi LQ, Wang HM, Dong J, Zheng GY, Lin L, Qian F, Qi Y, Liu X, Cao H, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li Z, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Lu J, Li J, Qi M, Bolund L, Yashin A, Land KC, Gregory S, Yang Z, Gottschalk W, Tao W, Wang J, Wang J, Xu X, Bae H, Nygaard M, Christiansen L, Christensen K, Franceschi C, Lutz MW, Gu J, Tan Q, Perls T, Sebastiani P, Deelen J, Slagboom E, Hauser E, Xu H, Tian XL*, Yang H* and Vaupel JW. Novel loci and pathways significantly associated with longevity. Scientific reports. 2016;6:21243.

18Zeng Y*, Chen H, Ni T, Ruan R, Nie C, Liu X, Feng L, Zhang F, Lu J, Li J, Li Y, Tao W, Gregory SG, Gottschalk W, Lutz MW, Land KC, Yashin A, Tan Q, Yang Z, Bolund L, Ming Q, Yang H, Min J, Willcox DC, Willcox BJ, Gu J, Hauser E, Tian XL* and Vaupel JW. Interaction Between the FOXO1A-209 Genotype and Tea Drinking Is Significantly Associated with Reduced Mortality at Advanced Ages. Rejuvenation research. 2016;19:195-203.

19Ma JF, Yang F, Mahida SN, Zhao L, Chen X, Zhang ML, Sun Z, Yao Y, Zhang YX, Zheng GY, Dong J, Feng MJ, Zhang R, Sun J, Li S, Wang QS, Cao H, Benjamin EJ, Ellinor PT, Li YG* and Tian XL*. TBX5 mutations contribute to early-onset atrial fibrillation in Chinese and Caucasians. Cardiovasc Res. 2016;109:442-50.

20Li W, Zheng NZ, Yuan Q, Xu K, Yang F, Gu L, Zheng GY, Luo GJ, Fan C, Ji GJ, Zhang B, Cao H* and Tian XL*. NFAT5-mediated CACNA1C expression is critical for cardiac electrophysiological development and maturation. J Mol Med (Berl). 2016;94:993-1002.

21Jiang F, Yan H, Wu C, Song C, Zhao B, Li Y, Dong J, Zheng GY, Jin LJ, Li XQ, Li WY, Cai J, Yang XC and Tian XL*. A novel block at chromosome 12q24.1 is associated with coronary artery disease in Han Chinese populations. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2016;26:497-504.

22Guo J, Li Y, Ren YH, Sun Z, Dong J, Yan H, Xu Y, Wang DW, Zheng GY, Du J and Tian XL*. Mutant LRP6 Impairs Endothelial Cell Functions Associated with Familial Normolipidemic Coronary Artery Disease. International journal of molecular sciences. 2016;17.

23Zeng Y*, Chen H, Ni T, Ruan R, Feng L, Nie C, Cheng L, Li Y, Tao W, Gu J, Land KC, Yashin A, Tan Q, Yang Z, Bolund L, Yang H, Hauser E, Willcox DC, Willcox BJ, Tian XL* and Vaupel JW. GxE interactions between FOXO genotypes and drinking tea are significantly associated with prevention of cognitive decline in advanced age in China. The journals of gerontology. 2015;70:426-33.

24Xu K, Ma L, Li Y, Wang F, Zheng GY, Sun Z, Jiang F, Chen Y, Liu H, Dang A, Chen X, Chun J and Tian XL*. Genetic and Functional Evidence Supports LPAR1 as a Susceptibility Gene for Hypertension. Hypertension. 2015;66:641-6.

25Zhao Y, Yu Y, Tian XL, Yang X, Li X, Jiang F, Chen Y and Shi M. Association study to evaluate FoxO1 and FoxO3 gene in CHD in Han Chinese. PLoS One. 2014;9:e86252.

26Yang F, Zhou L, Wang Q, You X, Li Y, Zhao Y, Han X, Chang Z, He X, Cheng C, Wu C, Wang WJ, Hu FY, Zhao T, Li Y, Zhao M, Zheng GY, Dong J, Fan C, Yang J, Meng X, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Xiong J, Tian XL* and Cao H*. NEXN inhibits GATA4 and leads to atrial septal defects in mice and humans. Cardiovasc Res. 2014;103:228-37.

27Tian XL* and Li Y. Endothelial cell senescence and age-related vascular diseases. J Genet Genomics. 2014;41:485-95.

28Zeng Y*, Cheng L, Zhao L, Tan Q, Feng Q, Chen H, Shen K, Li J, Zhang F, Cao H, Gregory SG, Yang Z, Gu J, Tao W, Tian XL* and Hauser ER. Interactions between Social/ behavioral factors and ADRB2 genotypes may be associated with health at advanced ages in China. BMC geriatrics. 2013;13:91.

29Yang F, Wu M, Li Y, Zheng GY, Cao H, Sun W, Yang R, Zhang H, Sheng Y, Kong X, Tian XL and Zhou L. Mutation p.S335X in GATA4 Reduces its DNA Binding Affinity and Enhances Cell Apoptosis Associated with Ventricular Septal Defect. Current molecular medicine. 2013.

30Wu C, Yan H, Sun J, Yang F, Song C, Jiang F, Li Y, Dong J, Zheng GY, Tian XL* and Cao H*. NEXN Is a Novel Susceptibility Gene for Coronary Artery Disease in Han Chinese. PLoS One. 2013;8:e82135.

31Wang WJ, Han P, Zheng J, Hu FY, Zhu Y, Xie JS, Guo J, Zhang Z, Dong J, Zheng GY, Cao H, Liu TS, Fu Q, Sun L, Yang BB* and Tian XL*. Exon 47 skipping of fibrillin-1 leads preferentially to cardiovascular defects in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. J Mol Med (Berl). 2013;91:37-47.

32Hu FY, Wu C, Li Y, Xu K, Wang WJ, Cao H and Tian XL*. AGGF1 is a novel anti-inflammatory factor associated with TNF-alpha-induced endothelial activation. Cell Signal. 2013;25:1645-53.

33Zhao L, Yang F, Xu K, Cao H, Zheng GY, Zhang Y, Li J, Cui H, Chen X, Zhu Z, He H, Mo X, Kennedy BK, Suh Y, Zeng Y and Tian XL*. Common genetic variants of the beta2-adrenergic receptor affect its translational efficiency and are associated with human longevity. Aging cell. 2012;11:1094-101.

34Gombar S, Jung HJ, Dong F, Calder B, Atzmon G, Barzilai N, Tian XL, Pothof J, Hoeijmakers JH, Campisi J, Vijg J and Suh Y. Comprehensive microRNA profiling in B-cells of human centenarians by massively parallel sequencing. BMC Genomics. 2012;13:353.

35Dong W, Yang Z, Yang F, Wang J, Zhuang Y, Xu C, Zhang B, Tian XL* and Liu D. Suppression of Rap1 impairs cardiac myofibrils and conduction system in zebrafish. PLoS One. 2012;7:e50960.

36Chen LY, Zhao WH, Tian W, Guo J, Jiang F, Jin LJ, Sun YX, Chen KM, An LL, Li GD, Li Q, Li Y, Wu C, Zhao L, Wang WJ, Zheng GY, Li B, Li XQ, Hu J* and Tian XL*. STK39 is an independent risk factor for male hypertension in Han Chinese. Int J Cardiol. 2012;154:122-7.

37Jiang F, Dong Y, Wu C, Yang X, Zhao L, Guo J, Li Y, Dong J, Zheng GY, Cao H, Jin L, Ren Y, Cheng W, Li W, Tian XL* and Li X*. Fine mapping of chromosome 3q22.3 identifies two haplotype blocks in ESYT3 associated with coronary artery disease in female Han Chinese. Atherosclerosis. 2011;218:397-403.

38.Fang H, Chen M, Ding Y, Shang W, Xu J, Zhang X, Zhang W, Li K, Xiao Y, Gao F, Shang S, Li JC, Tian XL, Wang SQ, Zhou J, Weisleder N, Ma J, Ouyang K, Chen J, Wang X, Zheng M, Wang W, Zhang X and Cheng H. Imaging superoxide flash and metabolism-coupled mitochondrial permeability transition in living animals. Cell Res. 2011;21:1295-304.

39Zeng Y*, Cheng L, Chen H, Cao H, Hauser ER, Liu Y, Xiao Z, Tan Q, Tian XL* and Vaupel JW. Effects of FOXO genotypes on longevity: a biodemographic analysis. The journals of gerontology. 2010;65:1285-99.

40Li Y, Wang WJ, Cao H, Lu J, Wu C, Hu FY, Guo J, Zhao L, Yang F, Zhang YX, Li W, Zheng GY, Cui H, Chen X, Zhu Z, He H, Dong B, Mo X, Zeng Y* and Tian XL*. Genetic association of FOXO1A and FOXO3A with longevity trait in Han Chinese populations. Human molecular genetics. 2009;18:4897-904.

41Zhang T, Yong SL, Tian XL and Wang QK. Cardiac-specific overexpression of SCN5A gene leads to shorter P wave duration and PR interval in transgenic mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007;355:444-50.

42Tian XL, Cheng Y, Zhang T, Liao ML, Yong SL and Wang QK. Optical mapping of ventricular arrhythmias in LQTS mice with SCN5A mutation N1325S. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007;352:879-83.

43Tian XL and Wang QK. Generation of transgenic mice for cardiovascular research. Methods Mol Med. 2006;129:69-81.

44Tian XL, Yong SL, Wan X, Wu L, Chung MK, Tchou PJ, Rosenbaum DS, Van Wagoner DR, Kirsch GE and Wang Q. Mechanisms by which SCN5A mutation N1325S causes cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death in vivo. Cardiovasc Res. 2004;61:256-67.

45Tian XL, Pinto YM, Costerousse O, Franz WM, Lippoldt A, Hoffmann S, Unger T and Paul M. Over-expression of angiotensin converting enzyme-1 augments cardiac hypertrophy in transgenic rats. Human molecular genetics. 2004;13:1441-50.

46Tian XL, Kadaba R, You SA, Liu M, Timur AA, Yang L, Chen Q, Szafranski P, Rao S, Wu L, Housman DE, DiCorleto PE, Driscoll DJ, Borrow J and Wang Q. Identification of an angiogenic factor that when mutated causes susceptibility to Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. Nature. 2004;427:640-5.

47Pokharel S, van Geel PP, Sharma UC, Cleutjens JP, Bohnemeier H, Tian XL, Schunkert H, Crijns HJ, Paul M and Pinto YM. Increased myocardial collagen content in transgenic rats overexpressing cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme is related to enhanced breakdown of N-acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro and increased phosphorylation of Smad2/3. Circulation. 2004;110:3129-35.

48Yong S, Tian XL and Wang Q. LQT4 gene: the "missing" ankyrin. Mol Interv. 2003;3:131-6.

49Tian XL* and Paul M. Species-specific splicing and expression of angiotensin converting enzyme. Biochem Pharmacol. 2003;66:1037-44.

50Archacki SR, Angheloiu G, Tian XL, Tan FL, DiPaola N, Shen GQ, Moravec C, Ellis S, Topol EJ and Wang Q. Identification of new genes differentially expressed in coronary artery disease by expression profiling. Physiol Genomics. 2003;15:65-74.

51Kang N, Walther T, Tian XL, Bohlender J, Fukamizu A, Ganten D and Bader M. Reduced hypertension-induced end-organ damage in mice lacking cardiac and renal angiotensinogen synthesis. Journal of molecular medicine. 2002;80:359-66.

52Wang Q, Bond M, Elston RC and Tian XL. Molecuar Genetics. In: E. J. Topol, ed. Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2nd ed.: Lippincott Williams and Wikins Publishers; 2001.

53Chen LY, Chen X, Tian XL and Yu XH. Effects of tetrandrine on calcium transport, protein fluorescences and membrane fluidity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Br J Pharmacol. 2000;131:530-6.

54Sugimura K, Tian XL, Hoffmann S, Ganten D and Bader M. Alternative splicing of the mRNA coding for the human endothelial angiotensin-converting enzyme: a new mechanism for solubilization. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998;247:466-72.

55Chen LY, Tian XL and Yang B. A study on the inhibition of rat myocardium glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase by moniliformin. Mycopathologia. 1990;110:119-24.


《血管生物学》,参与编写, 2015

《遗传性心律失常》,副主编(主编:浦介麟、张开滋、李翠兰、洪奎),人民卫生出版社, 2011

肥厚性心肌病》,参与者(主编:姜藤勇),人民卫生出版社, 2010


Chapter 95: Molecular Genetics, Qing Wang, Bond M, Elston RC, Tian X. 《Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine》, Eric J. TOpol, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers 2001

Chapter 98: Transgenic model and cardiovascular diseases《Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine》, Eric J. TOpol, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers 2001

Chapter 5: Generation of Transgenic Mice for Cardiovascular Research in Cardiovascular Disease: Methods and Protocols, Volume 2, Molecular Medicine》,Qing K.Wang。 Humana Press 2006

第九章(第三篇):酶活力及其动力学常数的测定《现代医学实验技巧全书》,主编方福德、周吕、丁濂和张德昌。北京医科大学中国协和医科大学联合出版社 1995。

第16章:心血管疾病与基因治疗康宁玲、田小利和丁金凤。《人类基因治疗》,主编刘德培。北京医科大学中国协和医科大学联合出版社 1995.